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We may add a link to your website below. There are two conditions: your site has a subject consistence with our portal and it has a link to The Rationalist in a visible place (also inform webmaster). If you are an atheist or agnostic and you have your own website you may send us its web address. We will add a link to your site only if the content of your site does not propagate intolerance, racism, hatred or other things that are not convergent with the content of our portal. Also you may try our banner exchange system.

Atheism and/or agnosticism

 American Atheists
The Official Web Site of American Atheists, an educational organization for atheists. Exists since 1963.
 The Jesus Puzzle

Earls Doherty page - was Jesus from Nazareth historical ?
 The Secular Web
Gigantyczny serwis wolnomyślicielski. Zawiera prawdopodobnie wszystkie możliwe argumenty na rzecz ateizmu i agnostycyzmu. Wiele dokumentów historycznych.
 Jay's Atheist, Agnostic and Humanist Website
Witryna ateistyczno-agnostyczno-humanistyczna, krótko mówiąc: bez wiary.
 Agnostic Resource Site
Wiele ciekawych tematów, o Biblii, problemach kreacjonistów, archeologii, filozofii i teologii i wiele innych materiałów zebranych z sieci przez amerykańskiego studenta.
 The Urban Atheist Page
Tak opisuje autor: this page is dedicated to the absolute belief in there being no and I repeat no supreme being of any kind. Nie zostawia suchej nitki na chrześcijanach.
 The Atheist Bible
This website is designed to help Atheists get more accepted in society. It will be hard but it can be done It is Particularly hard in the United States. Odd that the land of freedom doesn't respect freedom. Hopefully this changes one day.
 The War on Faith
Walczący z wiarą. Sporo cytatów. Strona ateistyczno-sceptyczna.
  Atheism Awareness
Odpowiedzi ateistów na pytania teistów. Wyjaśnienia wielu kłopotliwych kwestii-odpowiedzi na pytania, ktróre chcesz zadać, ale nie wiesz jak i komu.
Freethinkers site.
 The Non-Believer's Page
This website provides information which is intended to be helpful to those interested in agnostic and atheist philosophies. Wiele argumentów na rzecz ateizmu.
 Campus Atheists and Agnostics
Campus Atheists & Agnostics will serve atheist and agnostic students by providing activities and events where they may meet and get to know like-minded individuals in a comfortable atmosphere.
 Casey's page of free Thought and Atheism
Laugh at religion.
 Agnostic Church
No despotism.
 About ahteism
Fragment portalu traktujący o ateizmie.
 Rationalist International
Rationalism is an attitude that accepts the primacy of reason and aims at establishing a system of philosophy and ethics verifiable by experience, independent of all arbitrary assumptions of authority.
 Positive Atheism
To Benefit Those Who Seek Further Awareness of Their Own Lack of Theism.
 No God. A celebration of blasphemy
A religion and government watchdog group founded in 1997 to oppose the Christian supremacy movement and defend the separation of state and church.
 Christ Myth
How much did Christianity inherit from the Pagans?


 The Linkup: Survivors of Clergy Abuse
Tematyka ostation bardzo aktualna. Pomoc dla ofiar nadużyć kleru. Organizacja z Północnej Ameryki niosąca pomoc dla ofiar seksualnych nadużyć duchowieństwa.
 Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests
Podobnie. Doniesienia o nadużyciach seksualnych wśród katolickiego duchowieństwa. Część większego serwisu protestanckiego.
 Ezra Levant: Good Priests, Bad Rabbis
Podobnie. Artykuł o pedofilii w Kościele.
 Celibacy is the Issue
Coś jakby przeciwnego. Strona żonatych księży katolickich, którzy nie wystąpili z Kościoła.
French site about inquisition, gallery.
 Jesus Never Existed
For all who would struggle against the tragedy of religion


 Skeptical Inquirer
Wydawnictwo CSICOP (Commitete for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal). Ostation zajmują się także religią..
 James Randi Educational Foundation
Świetna strona Randiego - iluzjonisty, który ośmieszył Projekt Alfa, który miał na celu badanie zjawisk paranormalnych. Fundacja autora oferuje każdemu 1.000.000 USD, kto udowodni, że posiada nadnaturalne, paranormalne zdolności ! Autor demaskuje wiele innych oszustw z tzw. pogranicza nauki.
 Council for Secular Humanism
Zrzesza ludzi niereligijnych, wydaje Free Inquiry (czyli 'badanie bez cenzury').
 Humanists Net
Many humanist sites.
 The Association for Skeptical Enquiry
A U.K. association with a skeptical attitude to paranormal claims and abilities.
 The New England Journal of Skepticism
The newsletter of The New England Skeptical Society-An organization dedicated to the promotion of science and reason, the investigation of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims, especially within CT, improved standards of education for science and critical thinking skills, and lobbying for rational law making.
 Sceptic Friends
A nice site about scepticism, articles, essays, book reviews.
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. CSICOP encourages the critical investigation of paranormal and fringe-science claims from a responsible, scientific point of view and disseminates factual information about the results of such inquiries to the scientific community and the public.
 Australian Skeptics
Investigating pseudo-science and the paranormal from a responsible scientific viewpoint
 European Council of Skeptical Organisations
We promote Science, Reason and Critical Thinking.
 Cygnus' Study - Debunking The Bible
Obalenie Biblii - taki podtytuł nosi ta świetna witryna i trzeba przyznać, że spełnia ona to co zapowiada.
 The Journal of Higher Criticism
Skeptical subjects.
 The Skeptic's Annotated Bible
Biblia poddana krytycznej analizie (na podst. Biblii Króla Jakuba).
 The Skeptic's Dictionary
Paranormal or magic? No!
  Carolina Skeptics home page

Humanism and freethorought

 New Humanist
British humanism jurnal.
 International Humanist and Ethical Union
 Freethought Archives
This web site is dedicated to placing rare and out-of-print classics of freethought online
 Rationalist Press Association
Brytyjskie zrzeszenie racjonalistów, wydawnictwo.
 Freedom From Religion Foundation
Istniejąca od 1978 r. fundacja stawiająca sobie za cel rozdział państwa i kościoła oraz edukację n.t poglądów nieteistycznych.
 Humanistischen Verband Deutschlands
German humanists.
 European Humanist Federation
Międzynarodowe stowarzyszenie humanistów z siedzibą w Brukseli. Zrzeszają różne ogranizacje humanistyczne w całej Europie.
 Annapolis Valley Sceptic
 The North Texas Skeptics

Private websites and elaborations

 Celebrity atheists
Znani bezbożnicy i kacerze.
How rationalists made up a religion. Atheistic religion as a meme.
 Adherents is a growing collection of over 41,000 adherent statistics and religious geography citations -- references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc.
 Encyclopedia Mythica
This is an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, legends, and more. It contains over 6100 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world.

Other sites

 Christianity is a meme
Viruses of the mind and religion goes together.
 Reformation Online
About reformation.
 Roman Catholic Faithful
Strona ortodoksyjnych katolików, krytykujących hierarchię katolicką za korupcję, seksualne skandale i in.
 God U Like
The purpose of is to take an irreverent but fair look at the whole faith industry and quite often, give a few of them a good kicking. [...] We at have no affiliations, affinity or indeed sympathy with any of them and it is just a sad fact that behind every messiah, mullah and mountebank there is more prejudice and injustice than satisfaction and salvation.
 Radio Islam: Chapter I - Jewish History, Jewish Religion
History of Israel by prof. Israel Shahak.
 EFF Blue Ribbon Campaign Home Page
left Devoted to freedom in Internet.
 The Roman Catholic Observer
Katolicy szukają nieścisłości w swojej droktrynie (nie liczą już na ateistów ?).
 Catholics for a free choice
Znów katolicy z USA, ale tym razem chcą zmiany statutu Watykanu w radzie UN-czyli o znównanie katolicyzmu z innymi religiami w UN.
 The Happy Heretic
I am Judith Hayes, The Happy Heretic. This monthly column was born in November 1996. My grandfather was a Lutheran minister, his son was a Lutheran pipe organist, and his granddaughter is an atheist. Now that's my kind of evolution.

Religious texts and libraries

The Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society. Ruch na rzecz sekularyzacji i demokratyzacji islamu.
 Faith Freedom International
Freedom for believers, mostly Islam.
Well-known books online.
 The Internet Sacred Text Archive
Many texts concerning religion.
 Christian Classics Ethernal Library
Huge christian library.
 The Nag Hammadi Library - The Gnostic Society Library
Gnostic texts found in Egipt in 1945.
 Outline of Objects and Topics in Scrolls from the Dead Sea
Qumran texts found in 1947.
 Middle ages texts

Site directories

Google not good enough for christians?
About religions.
Religion directory on Google.
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