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Agnieszka Zakrzewicz - Papież i kobieta
Mariusz Agnosiewicz - Heretyckie dziedzictwo Europy
People, quotes

An autobiographyBernard Katz
An Interview with Dr. William HarwoodKaz Dziamka
Confessions of a Lonely Atheist by Natalie AngierKaz Dziamka
Dr. William Harwoodn.d.
From Dolan’s book: A Parade of Quotationsn.d.
Portrait Of A Freethinker: Richard Bozarthn.d.

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Novelties of section:
Confessions of an Atheist
Kaz Dziamka
A remarkable essay by Natalie Angier about her life as an atheist in the United States.
Madalyn M. O'Hair
G. Richard Bozarth
"I will always feel sad that Madalyn was not the magnificent Freethought leader I once believe she was"... America's Most Famous Atheist: an insider's story.
Portrait Of A Freethinker
American Rationalist's Contributing Editor Richard Bozarth used to work for America's most famous atheist, Madalyn Murray O'Hair. If he ever loses, he is prepared to lose his own way.
An Interview with Dr. Harwood
Kaz Dziamka
Dr. William Harwood does not mince words about the silliness of religious dogmas, the despicable character of Christ, and the miniscule intellectual capacity of Karol Wojtyła.
Bernard Katz
AR's senior writer and contributing editor has many good reasons to be an atheist. Find out what they are.
Dr. Harwood’s biography
The AR's Contributing Editor has a low tolerance for brain-dead religionists and considers going to mass equivalent to attending a 5000-year-old Egyptian god-eating ritual.
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10 polecanych witryn:
Richard Dawkins. A Clear-thinking Oasis
Prabir Ghost - Gurubusters - Rationalist of India
Karlheinz Deschner Homepage
Elif Shafak -- Literary Agency, Marly Rusoff & Associates, Inc. website
Rok 2012 Rokiem Janusza Korczaka
Strona domowa Mariusza Szczygła
Ryszard Kapuściński. Cesarz reportażu
Strona Internetowa Fethullaha Gulena
Michał Bakunin
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