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| Humanist media in Poland Adam Cioch (20-11-2006) | In Poland we have about five percent of non-believers, which is about two million people. Moreover, we have a handful of humanist and freethinker organizations as well as some magazines. The biggest of them appears in about two thousand copies every second month. The magazines are: a periodical "Bez ..» Read..
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| ONZ: World Calendar Reform (25-03-2005) | The plan for the reform of the Gregorian Calendar proposed by the World Calendar Association, Inc., is of great importance to the nations of the world. Memorandum on the question of World Calendar Reform Read.. | |
| The Autobiography of God (#1) Dr William Harwood (15-03-2004) | Of course, I, God, am insane. The mythologians who created Me were insane, although not all as insane as Jesus, thank Me, and they created Me in their own image. Read.. | |
| Literature quiz William Harwood (19-07-2003) | Name the book! Can you identify two of the most powerful novels denouncing superstition and tyranny? Read.. | |
| Biblical humor Bernard Katz (30-06-2003) | Neither the Christian God nor the Bible has any sense of humor.To make up for this serious deficiency, we a few jokes and puns that will make your day. Read.. | |
| And The Gods Yawned Ronald G. Crowe (23-06-2003) | Christian dogmas are a copy of other religious dogmas. Virgin births, ascensions to heaven and such long ago became old hat. Read.. | |
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