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| The Saint of Hemorrhoids Bernard Katz (12-09-2003) | You have hemorrhoids? No problem. Expose your ass and pray and pray to the statue of Saint Goncalo. Read.. | |
| Secret Vatican Document (10-08-2003) | Here is the secret Vatican document that instructs bishops to cover up sex crimes by priests. An unofficial English translation (form Latin) provided to CBSNews.com Read.. | |
| Government Must Be Secular Richard Bozarth (16-06-2003) | The title says it all: To be good, government must be secular, free from any entanglement with religion or religious establishments. Read.. | |
| How was the Shround of Turin made? Z.Blania-Bolnar (20-05-2003) | Clement VII knowing that the Shround was a forgery allowed for it to be exhibited in public & let the mob belive it was an authentic. 650 years of a false shround & true stupidity Read.. | |
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