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Agnieszka Zakrzewicz - Papież i kobieta
Anatol France - Kościół a Rzeczpospolita
The Bible

God's CameraA.J. Mattill, Jr.
Look and LiveA.J. Mattill, Jr.
The Jig Is Up! And We’re Dancing to It!Bernard Katz

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Novelties of section:
Seven Mistakes of the Messiah
A.J. Mattill, Jr.
In three verses of the Luke and Matthew gospels, we find seven mistakes of Jesus the Messiah.
Jesus Christ: Born a Jew, Died a Heretic
Bernard Katz
Those who maintain that Jesus was Jewish to the core have been and are mistaken. Although Jesus was born a Jew, he certainly died a heretic!
Almighty Abba
A. J. Mattill, Jr.
Honest to God, there is no god. There's pointlessness, parasites, pain, yes, but no Almighty Abba.
Crazy stories in Numbers
A. J. Mattill, Jr.
The biblical book of Numbers is not worthy to be included in the Bible of any religion. Numbers is indeed a relic of ancient superstition.
What a Difference a Word Makes!
A. J. Mattill, Jr.
If Jesus was indeed a liar, as many hold, then the consequences for basic Christian beliefs are devastating.
Not a Good Momma’s Boy
Bernard Katz
Jesus was not a good momma's boy; in fact, he was a son that no Jewish momma could be proud of.
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7 polecanych witryn:
The Journal of Higher Criticism
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible, Koran and Book of Mormon
Biblical criticism
Przekład biblijny Judaic Press Tanach
Krytyczne studium Najpiękniejszej Księgi Świata
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