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| The Martyrdom of Wickedness Andrzej Koraszewski (05-03-2007) | The Jews knew that flight from their Polish, Ukrainian, Belorussian or Russian neighbors could be a leap from the frying pan into the fire. Some naively chose communism, believing in the promise of brotherhood without racism; others escaped to America; still others tried to assimilate, showing thousands ..» Read..
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| In Praise of Consumerism Andrzej Koraszewski (14-10-2005) | Consumerism does not enjoy a favourable press, never mind a pulpit. Scholars, journalists, and priests are feverishly engrossed in their laptops looking for words of condemnation for people who instead of bowing humbly before "values" and giving sacrifices to gods are rushing to a "temple of Satan" and ..» Read..
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| The Moron in the White House Dr William Harwood (22-08-2004) | Probably the most damning indictment I, as a Canadian, can level against the moron (IQ 70-84 SB) in the White House is this: He is America's Stockwell Day. Read.. | |
| Same-Sex Marriage Bernard Katz (10-05-2004) | Heterosexuals like the President claim that they are protecting the sanctity of marriage. If this is so, why are there so many divorces? The high divorce rate shows that straights are as committed to marriage as a 9-year-old kid is to practicing the piano! Read.. | |
| Zapatero! John Chuckman (14-04-2004) | I am heartened by Zapatero's step onto the world scene speaking truth.... [after] Bush and his grotesque band of armchair killers ... have lied countless times... Read.. | |
| An Enemy Of The People John Chuckman (03-03-2004) | American monster corporations are destroying freedom and democracy: "George Orwell's fictitious world of 1984 seems to me no more sinister than what is gradually emerging in America." Read.. | |
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