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Mariusz Agnosiewicz - Zapomniane dzieje Polski
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz - Kiwony
Wanda Krzemińska i Piotr Nowak (red) - Przestrzenie informacji
Katarzyna Sztop-Rutkowska - Próba dialogu. Polacy i Żydzi w międzywojennym Białymstoku
Ludwik Bazylow - Obalenie caratu
Kerstin Steinbach - Były kiedyś lepsze czasy... (1965-1975) Znienawidzone obrazy i ich wyparty przekaz
Sklepik "Racjonalisty"
Review of search results

On the First World War propaganda and the image of enemy
Adam Pawłowski (17-09-2016)
The propaganda during the First World War was the most important source to forward it andan effort of whole nation-states, together with money, food and weaponry. With this one previous sentence we could end this short paper treating on the propaganda during La Grande Guerra. But obviously that would steal us more in-depth understanding of the whole complicacy of the process. Because the First World War propaganda was unique. Unique in a sense that never before had been so popularly used and with such success, and never again so far for so long without causing dissent from some group of society. Read..
First World War Enthusiasm
Adam Pawłowski (07-09-2016)
General enthusiasm of whole nations in the first months after mobilisations and final commence of the First World War is one of these moments in history which has few comparisons to itself. As it can be seen in many publications from that era by prominent and less prominent persons with positions in science, governance and authority, the events of July and August 1914 were rather unequivocally seen as a final relief and a moment of rejoicing for whole states and societies. It is true that there is not much experience in the social fabric of societies which unify people so broadly as the moment of finding a common enemy and the struggle against outside force or power. But the spirit of those first few months in 1914 is special in every respect. In this short paper I will try to depict the emotions and views of the public among European Powers in conflict which later got the name La Grande Guerra. Read..

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