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Jan Wójcik, Adam A. Myszka, Grzegorz Lindenberg (red.) - Euroislam – Bractwo Muzułmańskie

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 Introduction » The American Rationalist

The American Rationalist

The American Rationalist is America's oldest continuously published journal dedicated to promoting rationalism and a scientific view of the world. Since 1953, a select readership has reveled in AR's plain-speaking, no-holds-barred war on the irrational: religious dogma, superstition, and all other kinds of silliness and stupidity. Hence the subtitle of AR: An Alternative to Superstition and Nonsense.

Here's what AR's current editor, Kaz Dziamka, says about the journal:

„For nearly fifty years, the American Rationalist has dared to criticize the absurdity of religious beliefs and to defy tradition, convention, the Church, and the State. Often AR has also defied its readers, even at the risk of losing some of them. That's because AR is a special magazine, even among the few freethought publications: we have never relinquished freedom of the intellect under personal, corporate, religious, or any institutional pressure. Independently edited, AR is censored only by the rigor of objective, rational analysis. Reason and common sense are our best defense. Join us!"

ISSN-0003-0708 is published bi-monthly by Center for Inquiry, Inc., P.O. Box 741, Amherst NY 14226-0741. Send subscriptions and renewals to Center for Inquiry/AR, P.O. Box 31300, Hartford CT06150-1300. Send address changes to American Rationalist, P.O. Box 741, Amherst NY 14226-0741. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to P.O. Box 741, Amherst, NY 14226-0741. Copyright (©) 2002 by Center for Inquiry, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Send all manuscripts and books for review to the editor: Kaz Dziamka, P.O. Box 80212, Albuquerque NM 87198-0212,


$13.00 yearly, two years $23.00, three years $32.00. Subscriptions outside North America please add $8.00 per year. All payments by check must be in US funds and drawn on US bank. Foreign subscribers are urged to use Visa or MasterCard. When you move, please send old and new address to P.O. Box 741, Amherst NY 14226-0741. Back volumes on microfilm available from University Microfilms International, Proquest Information and Learning 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor MI 48106. Manuscripts accepted are subject to editing. Articles may be used upon application by other publications (write Kaz Dziamka), provided credit is given to the author and American Rationalist. Articles do not necessarily represent the policy of The American Rationalist, the staff, or the Center for Inquiry.

Editor in chief:
Kaz Dziamka

Contributing Editors:  
G. Richard Bozarth  
William Harwood  
Bernard Katz  
A.J.Mattill, Jr.

Subscription Manager:  
Michael Cione  

Send book orders to Robb Marks, Bookseller, POB 350, Rockton, IL 61072, USA.

Issue May/June 2004n.d.
Issue March/April 2004n.d.
Issue November/December 2003n.d.
Issue September/October 2003n.d.
Issue July/August 2003n.d.
Issue May/June 2003n.d.
Jesus Christ: Born a Jew, Died a HereticBernard Katz

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