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Patricia Marino - Opposing views
1. Why worry for the GOOD education of the future of 150,000 babies born each day around the world, when the governments should be doing something about the standards of education for these coming human beings? Don't blame the babies. Blame the government for not providing.

2. What the Catholic priest said in the Catholic Register was in response to the migration of people to developing countries. The Catholic Church does not precisely encourage its faithful to migrate to evangelize (at least primarily). It was just a comment on the fact that most migrants are Catholics and that this fact is truly going to be helpful in evangelization - of teaching the truths (not opinions) basically about human nature.
Author: Patricia Marino Date: 04-08-2004
pia hueson - Jesus is the Answer
I do not think that you a very rational. It seems to me that you put what you want the capital that you can aquire as a priviledged American above human life. That makes me sad when people love THINGS and use PEOPLE. It really should be the otherway around
Author: pia hueson Date: 15-10-2004
polytrack - Nice
A quality education will help children develop comprehensively in thinking, social skills and the ability to adapt to changes in the future.
Author: polytrack  Date: 17-12-2024

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