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Religions and sects » Sects and cults » The Mormons
Mormonism: The Goofiest Sect of All [1] Author of this text: Don Havis
A Rationalist Looks at Mormonism
With the recent focus on Salt Lake
City, Utah as the site of the International Winter Olympics of 2002, the
world's attention has once again been drawn to the Mormon religion.
Salt Lake City, the „Zion" of the Church of Jesus Christ of the
Latter-Day Saints (LDS), as the Mormons call their church, has certainly gloried
in the world's spotlight. With
the advent of this newfound LDS marketing tool, I thought it might be of
interest to many rational thinkers to find out a bit more than they perhaps
already know about Mormonism. In
order for this writing to be an article and not a book, its purpose must be
severely limited to simply giving a brief overview of how the Mormon Church
itself claims that the Book of Mormon
came into existence. I will also
mention an archeological problem the Book
of Mormon seems to have created for the Mormons.
Additionally, I will briefly comment on a portion of each of the other
two sacred texts of the LDS Church, those being the Doctrine
and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great
Price.In this process, I must
of necessity make a few observations about the founder of the Church, Joseph
LDS church, at approximately 11.5 million adherents, is the fastest growing of
the modern religious sects (those founded after 1800), and it seems, the one
with the most books written about it, both apologetic and debunking.
Obviously, this article can not even begin to cover such areas as the
church's theology, its long history, Joseph Smith's colorful biography, nor
its many controversies and tragedies. Those interested in exploring any of these
and other areas related to Mormonism, or in verifying any of the claims made
herein, please contact the author via email (donmtts@rcn.com)
for a list of recommended books which include the source material for this
Book of Mormon (hereafter referred to as the BOM) was first
published in 1830. Its author was the then 25-year-old Joseph Smith Jr.
(He dropped the „Jr." after his father died.)
Of course, young Joseph claimed that he did not „author" the book at
all. He simply translated it from
an ancient text written in an equally ancient language he referred to as
„reformed Egyptian."This text
was written or engraved on some golden plates which Joseph claims to have
unearthed in a hill called the "hill Chumorah" on September 21, 1823.
This hill is near Manchester, New York.
How did Joseph know exactly where to dig for these wondrous golden plates
the skeptic might ask?Easy!
An angel named Moroni came to him in a „vision" as early as 1820 when
the then 14 year-old Joseph claims to have received the „First Vision."
In the „Second Vision" in 1823, Moroni informed Joseph of the precise
location of some gold plates which contained the sacred history of some ancient
Hebrews (yes, "Hebrews," that is not a misprint) who lived in America from
about 2200 BCE to about 421 CE.No, I am not making this up. In case you think I am just kidding, let me quote from
the introduction to the current edition of the BOM published by the LDS church
itself, to wit:
„The book was written by many
ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation.
Their words, written on gold plates, were quoted and abridged by a prophet-historian named Mormon. The
record gives an account of two great civilzations.
One came from Jerusalem in 600 BC, and afterward separated into two
nations, known as the Nephites and the Lamanites.
The other came much earlier when the Lord confounded the tongues at the
Tower of Babel. This group is known
as the Jaredites. After thousands
of years, all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are the principal
ancestors of the American Indians."
Introduction continues to explain to the prospective convert how Jesus Christ
came over to the Americas (don't ask) and ministered to the Nephrites, „soon
after his resurrection."The
Introduction continues to explain that Jesus taught these ancestral Americans
how to "gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come"
through him-Jesus. This is just a side thought, but since, according to the BOM, the Nephrites were
„destroyed" by the Lamanites who became the ancestors of our Native
Americans, what exactly did J.C. accomplish with his mission to the Nephites?
This is never explained. The BOM story would
explain, however, why the native Americans whom the early explorers found here
seemed to have been completely ignorant of the biblical Jesus.
But, as I said, that is only a side point.
official Introduction continues: „After Mormon completed his writings, he
delivered the account to his son Moroni, who added a few words of his own and
hid up the plates in the hill Chumorah."
Yes, I assure you, that is an accurate quote from the official, current,
BOM Introduction. You can look it
up yourself. I just love the phrase,
„who added a few words of his own," don't you? I can only suppose that the Lord's original dictation to Mormon was not
quite "right" in the angel's son's [himself an angel] opinion. Therefore, he took it upon himself to fix it up a bit just as
I, as an English teacher, often do with my student's papers.
any event, without going into further hilarious detail, the above is the crux of
the fabulous tale that young Mormon „missionaries" are peddling in living
rooms across America, and indeed throughout dozens of countries over the face of
the earth. Freethinkers will
probably not be much interested in reading the BOM, even for laughs. It's dry, King James English style (Isn't it curious that
the ancient „reformed Egyptian" translated into perfect King James style
English?) would probably quickly put the active mind to sleep. Mark Twain once aptly described the BOM as „chloroform in
the Mormon Church regards the BOM as a sort of second installment of the
Christian Bible-old and new testaments. The
BOM is regarded as the document that „restores by God, through Joseph Smith,
the only true church." Therefore,
all other Christian churches (Mormons refer to their adherents as „gentiles")
are false-no surprise there. It
follows, then, that the authenticity of the BOM is no small matter.
quote Alice while she was in Wonderland, the story gets „curiouser and
one consults the documents and testimony of Joseph Smith's contemporaries in
the early 1800s as to precisely how
the BOM was „translated," one finds a great deal of agreement from several
witnesses that a special "peep stone," or "seer stone" was used. Now, the modern reader may not be familiar with the use of a „peep stone" to „see" things such as buried treasure, not normally
visible to the naked eye. However,
their use was apparently well known in the New England states in the early part
of the 19th century as a kind of folk conjurer's device.
There was a similar conjurer's device also commonly used at that time
known as a „dowsing rod." The
use of the dowsing rod to magically locate underground water has survived among
superstitious people to the present time. The
"seer stone," on the other hand, has gone out of fashion.
acquaintances of the Smith family have testified that Joseph Smith had used a „seer stone"-a small, dark colored, smooth stone with a hole in its center — to
seek and dig for buried treasure prior to the angel Moroni's considerate
revelation of the location of the magical golden plates with the Book of Mormon
on them. Lucky for Joseph, he
already had just the thing for their translation.
Many witnesses observed Joseph Smith on several occasions using his seer
stone, which he would put into the crown of his hat, then bury his face in the
crown. Inside the crown of the hat,
he claimed that a sort of luminous „spiritual light" would appear before him
enabling him to „see" the golden plates, even though they may not have been
right „there" at the time, and to successfully translate them. (Now, stop
giggling. This is serious stuff,
apparently, to Mormons.) He would
normally dictate to a scribe, often seated on the other side of a curtain, who
would write down what Smith said. (My
research did not reveal whether he sort of hollered through the crown of the hat,
or whether he removed his face from time to time to reveal what he had „seen.")
first scribe was his long suffering first wife, Emma.
Later, the gullible Mr. Martin Harris acted as Smith's scribe.
Poor Harris excitedly showed the first 116 pages to his wife who
apparently tore them up as the work of the devil.
At least to this date, the missing 116 pages have never surfaced.
Joseph and Harris had to start all over again.
Joseph was furious. Probably
out of a feeling of guilt, Harris ended up selling his farm to finance the
publication of the BOM. (The Smith
family always seemed to have had great difficulty, in the years before
Joseph's church "took off," in eking out a living.) Thirdly, a Mr. Oliver
Cowdry, a young schoolmaster who was boarding with the Smith family, acted as
Smith's secretary/scribe. Despite
Mormon claims that the 275,000-word manuscript was completed in a matter of a few months, it probably took about three years to complete.
there is still some controversy among Mormon scholars (yes, perhaps that phrase
is an oxymoron) concerning exactly how the plates were translated.
Despite the testimony alluded to above, Joseph Smith claimed that,
actually, he used a special translating device which the angel Moroni was nice
enough to leave with the plates-neatly packed in a stone box-in order to
successfully reveal their message. This
translating device is referred to as the „Urim and Thummin."
What is the „Urim and Thummin" you may ask?
Well, no one knows exactly. However,
Joseph Smith's rather suggestible mother was recorded to have said that this
device „consisted of two smooth three-cornered diamonds set in glass, and the
glasses were set in silver bows." Of
course, the controversy centers on the following question: Did Joseph
exclusively use his rather unholy „seer stone" (a conjurer's device), or
the much more holy "Urim and Thummin," or a combination of both to translate
the plates? Do you care? I didn't think so.
golden plates as well as the Urim and Thummin were, according to Mormon history,
apparently taken back by the angel Moroni, perhaps to be re-buried at some other
location. Those same „Mormon
scholars" referred to above believe the likely location of at least some
artifacts of ancient Nephites, as well as a possible new burial site of the
golden plates, may center around Central America.
These same „scholars" now claim that the great battles described in
the BOM between the Nephites and the Lamanites may not have taken place around
New York, despite the golden plates being found there.
The BOM mentions a „narrow neck of land" and an apparently tropical
climate. For the past 50 years BYU
and other Mormon sponsored organizations such as the New World Archeological
Foundation have sponsored archeological trips and „digs" in and around
Chiapas and the Yucatan. Smith
himself speculated that the Maya might have been the „Book of Mormon peoples."
To this date, not a single shred of evidence has been turned up that
would back up this theory. Yale University archeologist, Dr. Michael D. Coe, an expert
on the Maya, has stated that „There is not a whit of evidence that the
Nephites ever existed. The whole
enterprise is complete rot, root and branch.
It's so racist it hurts. It
fits right into the nineteenth-century American idea that only a white man could
have built cities and temples, that American Indians didn't have the brains or
the wherewithal to create their own civilization."
Seems clear enough to me!
1 2 Dalej..
« The Mormons (Published: 17-06-2003 Last change: 06-09-2003)
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