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From Neurons to Self-Consciousness: How the Brain Generates the Mind
Dziedzina: Nauki o zachowaniu i mózgu
Autor: Bernard Korzeniewski
Miejsce i rok wydania: Amherst, December 14, 2010
Wydawca: Humanity Books, Prometheus Books
Liczba stron: 193
Wymiary: 14x20 cm
ISBN: 978-1-61614-227-8
Okładka: Miękka
Ilustracje: Tak
Cena: 39,00 zł (bez rabatów)
Rekomendacja Racjonalisty
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Opis"Dr Korzeniewski's book is a lucid account of how self-consciousness emerges from neuronal activity. He acts as an expert guide as he leads from the base camp of brute matter, through the foothills of neuronal circuits, around the obstacles of information processing, and on to the summit of consciousness, from which we can look down with dizzying clarity at a range of philosophical and scientific problems." --Dr. Guy Brown, reader in cellular biochemistry, University of Cambridge, and author of The Living End: The Future of Death, Aging and Immortality and The Energy of Life

Cena promocyjna w Racjonaliście dotyczy ograniczonej liczby książek. Cena detaliczna książki 39 USD, cena Amazona: 28 USD.

"In this fine book, Professor Bernard Korzeniewski proposes a novel theory of the brain and mind. Anyone interested in the nature of consciousness, more generally, and self consciousness, more specifically, will find From Neurons to Self-Consciousness to be an engaging introduction to this important topic." -- Elizabeth F. Loftus, PhD, Distinguished Professor, University of California-Irvine

“Korzeniewski takes giant strides in working to unravel some of science’s great remaining mysteries: how consciousness emerged in humans, where it resides in our brains, how it is constructed, and how it developed to make us aware of ourselves.
An important book that interprets what current brain research is discovering in this field.” — DAVID L. WEINER, Author of Battling the Inner Dummy: The Craziness of Apparently Normal People and other neuro-based psychology books

What is consciousness? What does it mean to be aware of something, to be aware of our selves? To explain scientifically these questions and other aspects of mind is the ultimate goal of current brain research.

In this overview of what is now known about brain functioning, biophysicist Bernard Korzeniewski constructs a novel theory about how consciousness gradually emerged in the course of evolution from the single neuron in certain species of sea anemone to the complex neural network of the human brain.

He first explains how integrative and associative neural structures form the material substrate of the subjective conceptual network. He goes on to demonstrate how the system of instincts plus reward and punishment mechanisms makes the neural/conceptual network intentional. Finally, he argues that self-consciousness emerged when the cognitive center in the brain, which evolved to receive signals from sensory receptors, began to receive signals from itself. It thus created a representational model of itself within itself, and from this our sense of self-awareness emerged.

In the end, the author suggests that as more is learned about the working of the brain, philosophical problems that have caused centuries of speculation will simply be resolved by the facts of neurophysiology.

Rich in detail about the latest brain research yet accessible to the lay reader, this stimulating book offers much to ponder.

Bernard Korzeniewski (Krakow, Poland) is a professor of biophysics in the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biotechnology at Jagiellonian University. He is the author of five books in Polish on biological evolution; brain, mind, and consciousness; and related problems.

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