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Information about user User: tigerandlily
Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu (multimedia-fotografia)
Universidad de Barcelona (studia doktoranckie-psychologia)
Université de Toulouse II (psychologia).  | Sex: Female Ammount of points: 194 City: WawaBarcelonaStoDomingoLondyn
| Interests: | the sciences, art, humanistics, philosophy, technology, fotografia, arteterapia, ekokrytyka, relacje ludzie-zwierzęta, psychologia międzykulturowa, psychoterapia, etnopsychiatria, psychoneuroimmunologia, neuroestetyka, edukacja, neuroetyka, social media, slow food, jazz, Am.Łacińska i Karaiby, plaża i morze | Sign-up date: | 2011-01-03 |
Overall message: "I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity." Added as contact by 2 users