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The Association for an Ideologically-Free State

Mailing address: P.O. Box 843, 00-950 Warszawa 1, Poland
tel./fax (48-89) 625 25 22

The NEUTRUM Association was established in September 1990. Our main goal is to act for a non-ideological state, where the rights of every citizen are fully recognised and protected regardless of someone's religion, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, etc. We are deeply convinced that the principle of the equality under the law can be implemented only in the state where:

  • no ideology and religion are discriminated or privileged,
  • no legal regulations are motivated only by religion,
  • religious symbols and ceremonials do not take place in the state institutions,
  • the state education system is secular.

Recognising that all these principles mentioned above are guarantees of human and civil rights, the Association opposes all the cases where ideological neutrality is infringed. We think the increasing influence of the Catholic Church on the legislative authorities as well as on the state institutions in Poland is a prove of such violation. We are against violating the rule of separation of the church from state and against the attempts of removing the corresponding formula from the constitution. Some of the most important examples of favouring the Catholic religious doctrine which we are opposing are:

  • government-supported religious classes in public schools,
  • the Mass Media Act obliging the TV and radio stations to respect the Christian Values,
  • the anti-abortion law depriving women on their motherhood,
  • the Ministry of Education activities against the sexual education programmes and against AIDS prevention campaign.
The main forms of our activity are following:
  • intervening with authorities and state institutions,
  • organising street actions (demonstrations, collecting of signatures),
  • influencing politics and activists,
  • co-operation with organisations having similar goals,
  • producing a newsletter,
  • building a data base on the church and state relations,

The Association for a Non-Ideological State consists of over 500 members acting mostly in big cities. The biggest centres are in Warsaw, Cracow, Szczecin, Poznań, Olsztyn and Łódź. The activity of our association is possible thanks to the grants from the German Marshall Fund of the United States, PHARE, the volunteer work, membership fees and financial help of people supporting the idea of pluralistic society and of ideologically-free state.


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W konkluzji swego nader erudycyjnego wystąpienia ks. prof. Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier stwierdził, że "Kontynuacja i rozwój nauczania Kościoła katolickiego o wzajemnych relacjach państwo-Kościół pozwala dostrzec anachronizm może nie tyle francuskiego uregulowania sprzed 100 lat, co upierania się ..»
European pact for separation of Church and St..
The "NEUTRUM" Association and the Polish Association of Rationalists (PSR) invite all European non-governmental organizations that support the ideas of separation ofChurch and State and of the secular character of public life on our continent to form an agreement to work together to this end.
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O historii, mitach i faktach
Pod koniec ub.r. otrzymaliśmy od pana prof. Mariana Dobrosielskiego prezent w postaci wyśmienitej książki, zatytyłowanej "O historii, mitach i faktach. Eseje polityczno-filozoficzne". Jak sam informuje w nocie odautorskiej, książka zawiera szkice z lat 2002-2004, które są "próbą zrozumienia źródeł ..»
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Można znieść Fundusz Alimentacyjny. Taka sama próba, dużo bardziej zasadna!, w stosunku do Funduszu Kościelnego jest sabotowana przez zespolone siły Kościoła i klerykałów. Oto szereg opinii i analiz dot. FK, M.Pietrzaka, P. Boreckiego, B.Stanosz, J.Wisłockiego
Neutrum w społeczeństwie obywatelskim
Czesław Janik
Powstanie Neutrum było niezamierzonym efektem wzrostu politycznego znaczenia Kościoła w Polsce po 1989 r. Sytuacja ta przyczyniła się do wyłonienia nieznanego wcześniej w polskim życiu publicznym stowarzyszenia działającego na rzecz państwa neutralnego światopoglądowo
Stan klerykalizacji Polski
Czesław Janik
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