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Review of Ecohumanism
William Harwood (09-02-2004)
Not a good book. As Harwood argues, "I have no idea whether Ecohumanism's first four chapters are written in psychobabble, sociobabble, theobabble, Faculty-of-Education doubletalk, or Etruscan. Perhaps they were intended as a primer for Gibberish 101?" The book makes no reference to the project "Ecohumanism," initiated by the American Rationalist as early as 1998, and it is likely that its editor, Prof. Robert B. Tapp, intentionally or unintentionally plagiarized the term, coined at the time by the editor of the American Rationalist, Dr. Kaz Dziamka. Read..
The American Dream... or Nightmare?
Kaz Dziamka (02-09-2003)
In his book, Lithuanian writer Valdas Anelauskas has succeeded in exposing "The American Dream" as it is: A ruthless corporate oligarchy masquerading as a "democracy" and "free enterprise." Read..
Book Reviews
William Harwood (30-07-2003)
Klass: The Real Roswell Crashed-Saucer Coverup; Frazier, Karr, Nickell, eds: The UFO Invasion: The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions, and Government Coverups; Sheaffer: UFO Sightings... Read..
A Humanist and the Bible
William Harwood (30-05-2003)
A Humanist in the Bible Belt: Collected Papers 1974-2002 by William Harwood. Reviewed by B.Katz. Dr. Harwood is "the H.L. Mencken of secular humanism," and his book is a slam-dunk. Read..

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