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Mariusz Agnosiewicz - Zapomniane dzieje Polski
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz - Kiwony
Wanda Krzemińska i Piotr Nowak (red) - Przestrzenie informacji
Katarzyna Sztop-Rutkowska - Próba dialogu. Polacy i Żydzi w międzywojennym Białymstoku
Ludwik Bazylow - Obalenie caratu
Kerstin Steinbach - Były kiedyś lepsze czasy... (1965-1975) Znienawidzone obrazy i ich wyparty przekaz
Sklepik "Racjonalisty"
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Religions and sects

A Story of Violent Faith
Andrew Johnson (02-04-2004)
On July 24, 1984, in American Fork, Colorado, an attractive, outgoing young mother, Brenda Lafferty, and her baby daughter Erica were brutally murdered.... It becomes clear that these murders cannot be dismissively pigeonholed as the incomprehensible acts of a pair of lunatics. Read..
The Goofiest Sect of All
Don Havis (17-06-2003)
Mormonism may be the goofiest sect of all, yet, absurdly, it continues to grow because of our "stupendous capacity to believe the incredible." Read..
Why Islam Declined
Bernard Katz (02-06-2003)
Islam has bit the dust because in Islamic countries the state has always been the church and the church has always been the state, and God has been head of both. Read..
Dr. William Harwood (21-05-2003)
To believe what they claim, Raelians must be brain dead. But Rael, the founder, may be more than just a nutcase. Read..

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